INX Color Perfection® Magazine
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The Color Perfection Magazine, published by INX, is a resource for brand owners, graphic designers, and metal decorators, that examines the connection between color, design, and metal can decorating. The magazine features our proven Color Perfection methods that streamline the design-to-market process which result in accurate, reproducible, and consistent color.
Inside the ninth issue, Vol 5‑1
1Cover: Mystic Vision Becomes a Reality
Based on the unique artwork of distinguished West Virginia woodcut artist Bryn Perrott, the winning can design entry from Jackie O’s Brewery won the 2024 Colored by INX Can Design Contest. Read about all the people who collaborated to bring this enchanting package to life.
2Market Trends
More consumers in North America choose plant-based waters for health purposes and as a refreshing alternative to sugary drinks and alcohol.
3Market News
Retortable Standout Inks – Canmakers have requested inks with improved whiteness transfer from blanket to can and want better substrate coverage and press performance.
4INX Color Catalog Update
INX added 28 new colors to the INX 2-Piece Metal Color Catalog to streamline the color management process.
5Uncanny Design
Artistic visions transcend mediums with Bryn Perrott’s woodcut design for Jackie O’s Brewery. Learn the story behind the winning can.
6Meet the INXpert, Paul Edwards
From Paul’s perspective, the growth in metal decoration for packaging, is accelerating and INX is looking to bring the metal packaging and direct-to-object printing (DTO) markets into the digital space.